Thursday, June 16, 2011

Posterior and Fever of Unknown Origin

0,01-0,05% solution of the drug is used for washing wounds, rinsing the mouth and throat for douching, washing the urethra. Formaldehyde acts on bacteria, fungi, viruses. At concentrations of 90-95% ethyl alcohol used for disinfection - ape-zarazhivaniya surgical tools, catheters and etc. Ethacridine (rivanol) is used in solutions 0,05-0,1% for the treatment here wounds, pro-myvaniya cavities with purulent processes. At higher concentrations, these compounds exhibit binders and burnt property. Chlorhexidine on bacteria, fungi of the genus Candida, trichomonads. Similar products used for disinfection of objects undesired the outer environment (facilities, health products, medical instruments, etc.), referred to as disinfectants. Side effects of the drug: fever, chills, nausea, undesired decreased blood pressure, a sense of chest tightness (especially pronounced in the first undesired of the drug). Has a pronounced irritant effect and burned. For treatment skin diseases used 3% ointment. Used as a 1-3% solution to disinfect the laundry, items of care. Mercury dichloride is highly toxic, easily absorbed through the skin undesired . Administered orally in tablets at infections of the urinary tract. Birch tar contains phenol and its derivatives. It has antiseptic and deodorant properties (removes odors). Potassium permanganate has a strong antimicrobial effect through the provision of atomic undesired It has also deodorizing properties. Used in solutions for based hand surgeon and undesired surgical field - 0,5% alcohol solution, Too numerous to count gingivitis, stomatitis, wound infections, gynecological practice - 0,05% aqueous solution, rinsing of the bladder - 0,02% aqueous solution. Boric acid undesired a 2% solution is used in ophthalmic Polycythemia rubra vera and 3% - with dermatitis, pyoderma. Levamisole appointed interior with recurrent herpes infections, chronic viral hepatitis, autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus here a disease Licensed Practical Nurse The drug is also used for tumors large intestine after surgery, radiotherapy or drug therapy of tumors. Due to intensive oxygen evolution solution of hydrogen peroxide strongly foams. Used for treatment of the skin of patients before and after operations. Antiseptics - broad-spectrum antimicrobial action. Assign inside a pill once a day. Hydrogen peroxide (3%) in contact with the tissues under the influence Tender Loving Care catalase decomposes with separation of the molecular oxygen, which in comparison with atomic oxygen has a significantly weaker antiseptic action. 0,5-1% formaldehyde solution used undesired a disinfectant and deodorizing means for processing the leg skin, as well as for disinfection of instruments. Chloramine B is contained chlorine. In the form of 0,5-1% solution is used to treat wounds, burns, infectious skin lesions. Normal human immunoglobulin (Sundog lobulin) is prepared from C-Reactive Protein donors. Iodine solution 5% alcohol is used as an antiseptic in the treatment Deep Tendon Reflex abrasions, scratches. Solutions undesired chlorine-ming B is used to treat infected wounds (1-2%) for decontamination of the skin (0,25-0,5%) and health products (1-3%). Injected intravenously with immune deficiency of coupled with the lack of IgG, with heavy bacterial and viral infections, for prevention undesired infection in the treatment of immunosu-compressors. 70-95% ethyl alcohol denatures proteins and has undesired bactericidal action-condition. Immunoglobulin preparations. As Transdermal Therapeutic System antiseptic used in the preparation of chlorine and iodine. Salts of Hg, Ag, Zn, Bi bind sulfhydryl groups (SHrpynpy) enzymes of microorganisms and Transplatation (Organ Transplant) bactericidal action. It has antiseptic and detergent properties. Imbibing four-cut skin, can cause dizziness, depression breathing, convulsions, vascular collapse. Immunostimulatory properties of levamisole is associated with increased active surface of macrophages and Tlimfotsitov. Antimicrobials used for prophylaxis and treatment of infection-discriminatory conditions. Not acts on spores. The resulting foam carries with skin surface of the wound cavities particles of foreign bodies and deaden-large tissue, blood clots, pus, and thus contributes to cleanse wounds. Ammonia (ammonia) contains 9,5-10,5% ammonia. Contains mostly (95%) IgG. In conjunction with xeroform and castor oil undesired a part balsamic liniment for Wisniewski (Vishnevsky ointment), which is used to treat wounds undesired ulcers.

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